Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cell groups and more

This is my Khemi father's cell group. Notice even the little baby is taken in by what he has to say. "Pah" is so excited to be the lead Pastor at "the Good News church" again. Elderly people don't like to make the trip to church on Sundays so Pah brings church to their home.
Another picture of the same group.
These are some pics of my father, wife(the one taking the pics) and I cleaning up my soon to be English Classrooms.
.............. Yea thats mud on the floor. when it rains hard the rooms flood.
This is the before picture. when we are done we will give you the after... like extreme home (err classroom) makeover. :)
These are some pics of my wife's birthday party. we had about 30 friends and family over to celebrate.....we are still working on the "kissing in public part"
Channy and I were so blessed. One of the Missionaries here made Channy a real birthday cake.
In Cambodian culture on your birthday before you cut the cake you bring your parents up and tell them how thankful you are for them. Its a really wonderful tradition, one i think we should adopt in America.

Another thing in Cambodian culture...The girls like to get all dolled up. Channy got another blessing becuase her sister is currently learning how to "doll up" :)
This is My lovely wife opening the gift i got for her (a necklace). She was so surprised because i lead her to believe that she was just getting pants for her birthday. You can see the size of the gift in the lower picture. I had put my own pants in the gift so it would weigh it down. hehe

These are some pics from the celebration dinner for "pah" becoming the new pastor of the "Good News Chruch."

This was taken at a pastor's conference. "pah" was given an award for his dedication and 6 years of service as "the leader of the pastors" (sorry not sure of the old title)
This is a picture of us all dolled up at a wedding. I'm not sure whose wedding, in Cambodia they have so many. I like to go though, you know to show off my beautiful wife and make the bride to be jealous that is not the most gorgeous women there. :)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing. I'm so excited for your new school & ministry.