Saturday, October 17, 2009

When we went to Mundul Kiri the roads were very muddy. we not only found ourselves stuck many times but other people as well. this picture is a guy who tried to drive his "moto" through about a foot and a half deep mud. so we had to stop to get him out and when we stopped we also got stuck.
That a girl now roll over....

After are car would get stuck the rest of us had to head out on foot. naturally they trusted the x-football player to hold the baby on the un-easy terrain.....(brushes his shoulder)

This would be my lovely finance and me standing next to one of the huts were the tribal Cambodian people live

This particular hill we were stuck for about 45min. some of the Cambodians would get on the sides and behind the truck and try to rock it. i of course was to smart to stand next to a truck on slick mud on a hill.......

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